Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing is a NEW permanent-bond repositionable fusible webbing that is perfect for no-sew, sewing, quilting and embroidery projects. Light pressure sensitive fusible webbing is ideal for machine appliqué and digital cutters. Woven, needle-friendly and pliable, this repositionable fusible web is ideal for accurate placement of intricate patterns while creating applique designs. Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing is machine washable, dry cleanable, and leaves a very soft , ?exible hand to your fabric without gumming up the needle.
What makes Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing truly unique is that one side is sticky and can be finger pressed into place, removed and placed repeatedly until your appliqué is perfectly centered.
Traditional Appliqué using Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing:
Trace or print (using ink jet printer) the design to be appliquéd onto the protective paper side of Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing. *Remember to use the “reverse” of the image.
Tip! Use a light box or trace at a window for accuracy!
Trim around the image leaving at least ¼” inch of Embellish Foolproof Repositionable Webbing outside the traced lines.
Fuse Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing to the wrong side of decorative fabric using a medium/high temperature on your iron (No Steam). The fusible side of Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing is the soft/shiny side. Hold the iron in place for at least 3 seconds and then flip the piece over and press again on the fabric side.
After it has cooled, cut out the appliqué design using the trace lines.
Peel back the protective sheet to expose the sticky surface.
Position the appliqué piece on the garment and press in to place using a medium/high iron temperature. Hold the iron to the appliqué for at least 3 seconds. *Press on the appliqué side and the fabric side for maximum bonding.
Finish by stitching around the appliqué with a satin or decorative stitch.
**Remember that your traced image will be reversed once it is traced onto the paper side of Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing. Make adjustments to the original image to prevent this.
**NOTE: All irons heat differently. The iron temperature given above is a starting point. If you find that you are not getting a good fuse, slowly increase your irons temperature until good bond is achieved.
Embellish™ Foolproof Repositionable Webbing is also ideal for turning free standing embroideries into appliqués! Visit www.rnkdistributing.com for projects and ideas using this amazing appliqué product!